Maybe it's a problem related to a certain circuit, at the last club round at Clay Pigeon 1st place driver [blue top] & 2nd place driver [green top] were at the end of the race separated by .8 of a second also the blue top overtook the green top engined driver to win, but I do know that Forest Edge circuit favours the green top engines slightly! some drivers struggled to overtake the green top engined drivers, Thats why there is or so I'm reliably informed a mixture of circuits for the n.k.r.a series so it doesn't favour a particular driver on a particular engine on a particular circuit A good driver on a well setup kart will always rise to the top and if it were too easy to overtake the green tops surely they would then throw there toys out & pack up and go home?? I don't think there's an easy answer to this apart from if you had enough heavy drivers to run a separate heavy class, but where does it end? Masters, Masters Heavy, Veteran, Veteran Heavy etc, etc!!