It's the tougher one to explain.... why LOWER power experiuence helps with with faster cars. I can show you the similarity from racing-sailing. Those who never learn their 'trade' n small dinghies tend to end up utterly CR*P in low winds in large yachts.
Dinghies teach you the art of BALANCE and uing every OUNCE of the wind that's available. If you jump straight into 60ft Yachts: how are you EVER going to learn the importnace of BALANCE?
It's the same thing in racing: if you learn to make the VERY best use of every FRACTION of grip and 'carrying corner speed' (which is the KEY to TKM) that's available to you... then you'll simply tr to use POWER to coiver your inabilities..... and it'll show!!!
TKM, is not the ONLY class that teaches you this: Cadets, Pro-Karts etc. do the same thing..... Senior Rotax..... DOESN'T!
To be the BEST racing driver... you need to know how to USE everything you have got. If you never experience 'lack' of power or grip.... how the HELL are you going to LEARN it...?