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Re: TKM Rebuild regs? cost and manual?
Posted by 'itpro' on 08 Mar 2012 @ 22:16

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The answer is not simple, it all depends on what you mean by a 'rebuild'.

The simplest would be changing the oil seals which cost a couple of quid.

The most expensive would be a full rebuild including rebore, change of main bearings, piston and conrod etc.. That would be mre expensive BUT nowhere NEAR as much as with a Rotax that's being rebuilt by someone else! All the stuff that you find that you CAN'T do (rebore, re-true the crank, etc.) can be done by an engine builder but that leaves you to do the stuff that you CAN do for yourself and that custs the costs!

Some tasks CAN be done at home but some require special tools that you probably don't have. For example... to change the big-end bearings (in the bottom of the conrod) you need to split the crankshaft and that requires a POWERFUL press. It also needs one to re-join it. However, this is easier than you may think. Basically, you dismantle the engine as far as you can and then take the crank, etc. to you tame engine builder who will (usually) be happy to split the crank, fit the new conrod and bearings, re-join the crank and 'true it' again. That should cost VERY little from a decent engine builder.

You will need a 'puller' to remove the drive sprocket and, ideally, a puller to remove the 'rotor' on the ignition side. There are tools to hold the drive sprocket still while tightening loosening the sprocket nut BUT a chain tightly held in a vice or mole gripos does the job well. You will also need a speciific spanner to hold the rotor while loosining that nut but those tools are a FRACTION of the cost of a Rotax rebuild! Once you've bought the tools, you can use them on EVERY rebuild and thus they are a GREAT investment!

Please note, do NOT be tempted to hold the drive sprocket and then apply a spanner to the 'rotor' nut (or vice-versa) and attempt to undo it THAT way, you will (may) cause the crank to 'slip' and it'll need to be 're-trued' again!

Here are some of the tools you may need:-

Here's the charges for someone else to rebuild the whole engine:-

I am NOT linked to Spellfame, it's just that all that stuff was on one page which makes it easier! I always used Simon Wright (SWRD).

If you make the commitment and do the basics, you will be MUCH more interested in your engine and you can, at LAST, spend your money on RACING, not sealing......


Message Thread:

TKM Rebuild regs?  by 'GR2'   (08 Mar 2012 @ 2:44)
Re: TKM Rebuild regs?  by 'chriskasch'   (08 Mar 2012 @ 8:15)
Re: TKM Rebuild regs? cost and manual?  by 'GR2'   (08 Mar 2012 @ 10:06)
Re: TKM Rebuild regs? cost and manual?  by 'mike2903'   (08 Mar 2012 @ 10:58)
Re: TKM Rebuild regs? cost and manual?  by 'itpro'  << You are here!

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