1.What is the effect of using 12.5 instead of 8.5 venturi?
The 12.5 is richer at the idle and early throttle opening
2.What effect does raising or lowering float level have?
It has the effect of making the whole rev range richer or weaker
3. What is the effect of using the different sized floats and idle jets?
Lighter floats will be weaker through the rev range, bigger idle-jets will be richer at idle
4.Is (K)27 needle richer all the way through the rev range.....
...and is that equivalent to a whole jet?
Jets and needles operate independently of each other, the needle controls the idle to 3/4 throttle range and the mainjet for the rest. Provided always that the mainjet area is bigger than the area of annulus between the active needle cross-section and the needle-jet diameter.
Read this: http://www.karting.co.uk/KandK/Tech/PrepJettingRotaxCarb.html