Ran in my Formula Blue engine yesterday but had problems with ignition. Kart stopped on track, thought it was a spark plug as running very rich during run in. Attached new spark plug and checked for spark before fitting, no spark. Went through everything, tried another ignition box, coil, checked all connections-tried new battery. Anyway nearly gave up but just put the spark plug in and it fired up. Ran for another 15 laps or so (still running in but at nearly full revs but still v rich) did the same. Packed up came home. This morning checked for spark-1st plug (the one I ran before coming home) poor spark and arking. New plug fired up straight away. Cleaned last plug as wet with fuel, spark better and fired up.
Can a plug that's just wet with fuel act like this? Scratching my head as to whether this is a spark plug issue whilst I'm running in or some annoying intermittent problem.