There's another classic effect working here. People will tell you that the laser stuff will give you greater 'accuracy'. E.g they'll tell you they can set their 'toe' to 0.1mm accuracy. If you then ask ANY of them what the effect is on the handling of setting their kart at .... for example.... 2.2mm toe-out..... every single ONE of them will tell you that they have NEVER tested the effect......
The clever ones of you will see that such an answer makes a JOKE of NEEDING to set accuarcy to 0.1mm as they don't have a CLUE what the effect would be if they DID set the 'toe-out' 0.1mm more.... or less!
It's simple, you ONLY need to measure things to an accuarcy that you are going to USE! You do NOT need to know 0.1mm accuarcy if you don't USE that level of accuracy.
For example, in medicine, you MAY NEED to know the quantity of a chemical to 0.001gram..... however, in baking ... you only need to measure to an accuracy of 1 gram.... All of you would see how stupid you'd look measuring flour for a cake to 0.001 gram levels...... why can't ALL of you see the same stupidity in laser measurements......?