I have been racing KT100s for a while and have just crossed over to the Rotax Max. I don�t know much about these engines so I read all the stuff about jet settings. I brought a weather station for use at the track and took a copy of the jetting chart along.
Before my first practice run the conditions were 2degC, no rain and 980mBar which equates to a 172 jet on the jetting chart. Just to be sure, I compared notes with other drivers who simply laughed at me. They were running 160-162 jets and said that 172 was way too rich. I ran a 165 jet the whole day.
Throughout the day the plug colour was good, performance was good and I was getting 2nd fastest lap times behind an A grade driver who�s been racing Rotax forever (I am C grade). I am 10kG over MAW and raced tyres 7 meetings old. The temp increased to 12degC which should equate to a smaller jet size. There was no obvious change in plug colour or performance.
How �true� are the jetting charts? Does anyone follow them or are they just a starting point?