Dazz......Thermostates do fail shut. my rx7 one failed shut at a very inconvenient time.
You will find it very hard to cold seize a rotax. even in the winter iv not seen a rotax cold seize with with people nailing them out the pits at 1c degree.
Keep it in there by all means. but if it fails shut, you will be out of the race with a very warm engine. Things like thermostats have a nasty habit of breaking when you least want them too. and if your at the last round of the championship and it fails shut.....you will wish you listened to John and me without going down the theory route that in all honesty doesn't matter.
The reason it has a thermostat is probably because its a moped engine and the usage is different. If it failed then big deal your pushing you moped back home. if it fails in the final.....that is a big deal and a waste of a whole weekend or year. With racing if you don't need it, bin it.
Just take it out.....and forget about cold seizing use tape, or the new rad, or your arm to get the engine upto temp.