Having dusted off my first kart I started racing with (100cc TKM) that was rusting away in the back of my shed, I have almost got it rebuilt ready to have a bit of fun with it. I guess its pretty worthless now, its a 93 knight chassis with an engine just as old! Before it went to the back of the shed it was running fine, so I plan to freshen up the engine and take it out on test days for some fun. Then I thought maybe I have nothing to loose doing a bit of tuning to the motor? Has anyone had a go down this route? I suppose a carb upgrade would be a good place to start instead of refurbing the old one, any suggestions what might be suitable? I am sure there are some 2/ tuning guru's out there to guide me along. For obvious reasons I don't want to spend a big wad tho, so also perhaps a bit of port work (free!), not sure about the exhaust pipe tho.