cost, carnage,consistency and classes.
Tyres, parental licences the relentless costly damage that appears to go unpunished from silly driving, rules that are applied differently at different circuits, changes to weights and classes have all added to the demise in my view. Minimax has become more costly since the move to the new tyres, (the vegas were good for more than one race weekend). Some cadets are moving straight to juniors as they can more or less make the weight and there appears to be no checking of chassis/driver weights that I have seen. And the final nail is the checkbook racing, it is difficult to compete against someone running a new chassis every couple of weeks, tip top engines, test days every week, racing every weekend etc etc and when there is a problem it is no issue to spend the cash to appeal. There is a danger that we will no longer produce world class drivers with driving feel able to race even if there is a problem with set up etc but we will create drivers who need perfection to deliver. I can see the draw to TKM and non msa. But then none of the items above will be a suprise to anyone.