Allowing the engine to coast from 10000 to 8000 or 12000 to 10000 without choking doesn't cause them to seize. There's still plenty of oil around the piston, and no real heat input because the engine is coasting. I have run in many BT82s using this method now, and better than not seizing, I have never even marked a piston skirt so far. If you see how much smoke a BT82 produces running at lower speeds you'll realise how ridiculous the idea they might get oil starved is. I'm often tempted to pinch the fuel hose a little as I do on the formation lap, but just live with them being very oily whilst running in.
The reason I don't run extra oil or run richer is because, as DMR quite rightly states, the bores do seem to glaze fairly easily on castor based oils, although possibly not as badly as 4 strokes on full synthetic.
What one does with "proper" 100 cc engines isn't something I know about, but I know what I've been doing is problem free for me.