For circuits I'm not familiar with, the link below has been great:
It tends to end up a little bit short geared once I've found my way around, so be prepared to drop a tooth or 2 on the rear sprocket.
TKM running guide is here:
Their carb advice is fine, but most, including me are using 2.125 ish on the low jet, and 0.25 on the high jet. Bit rich with 0.5 on the high jet. If it's a cold day they seem to like to be a bit weaker, which is counter-intuitive to me.
Exhaust flex - 65 - 70 mm with an exhaust ring suits most circuits I've tried, but never been to Kimbolton.
Have a good Festival. Wish I could be there, but will have to settle for a depleted Hooton grid.