* Using Double seat stays to 'stiffen' the kart. * Using Mag wheels 'because all mag wheels are stiffer/softer in a predictable way' (as opposed to the different construction methids of the two types making the TYPE of metal used much less important. * Using Mag wheels because they make the tyre run cooler/hotter (both have been claimed) than Ally based wheels. * Thinking that the steel used in the axle (not the thickness of the walls) makes a significant difference to the 'Flex' of the axle.
I don't know if you are subject to ANY of these views but.... they'll do for starters!
If you are subject to any of those views, all you need to do is explain how they work and you can prove me wrong. It should be easy. The next two weeks is going to be tight 'work wise' and I won't have much free-time for discussion, from Friday.
But, wouldn't it be better to wait until we next 'meet' on such a discussion and we can both DISAGREE without getting upset? If your answer PROVES me wrong, I'll be DELIGHTED to apologise. For me, it's about LEARNING, not proving right or wrong! For example, I held a view about WD40 being hygroscopis from it's behaviour on car's ignition systems. AlanRR explain what it ACTUALLY does an I accepted I was wrong .... and I LEARNED from it, and thanked him!
John Clucas corrected my view on the max acceleration of a drag-bike with those 'stabiliser wheels' out the back. I learned from THAT, too.
I believed that tightening or loosening the side pod bars and rear bumper 'clamps' altered the handling until QuickOldTimer corrected me.
.... and so on!
I am NOT too old to LEARN! I doubt you are, either!