ARKS Test - How did we know if a driver knew what the red flag was before the ARKS test was introduced? Coped fine then. You don't even have to scrap it. Make the cost of the license the same as a Nat B, take the written test on Saturday or Sunday morning, take the practical test in practice Saturday or Sunday, make the materials available free online. You're starting off the back anyway and if you clearly can't keep it on the black stuff, you can be flagged in.
Medicals - how do you know a cadet has reasonable eyesight? If the MSA insist on medicals, they should make arrangements for such a medical to be at a lower cost. Moreover, to go from no medical to a medical every year once you hit 45 doesn't make sense.
No restrictions on helmets - not no restrictions, but the ACU standard should be accepted.
Each circuit should be able to set it's own rules - I don't think it would be a good idea for tech regs, but clubs should definitely have more freedom to run the meetings in a way that suits its members.
COC's at club level should be able to exclude people as they see fit with no discussion - Nobody said no discussion, just no appeals process at club level. You go in the office, you argue your case, a decision is made and we all get on with racing.