Thanks for the replies so far. Regarding chassis characteristics: I remember being told that Zip Storms weren�t as good in the wet as the previous Blade, I�m guessing this has something to do with torsional stiffness, am I right in thinking this means the storm was less stiff i.e. less good at lifting its inner-rear wheel? I know there are lots of other factors but was just wondering if this basic assumption was correct. Can this be used to make the assumption that the Lightening is probably a little stiffer than the Storm and possibly (if the wet comments were true) the Shark a little softer than the lightening? I�m not really hung up on having any particular make and I�m also guessing that final choice is quite subjective, I assume that it�s even hard to make an objective decision because even if you did try several chassis with the same engine and driver you�d almost always be quicker with the kart your most familiar with because the driver would have most �feel� for it and you more experience of setting it up correctly. Even with this in mind has anyone here ever tried a new chassis and actually seen an immediate improvement over their previous chassis?