There are merits to both with and without filters. We have always use a filter and never experienced a problem with them. When we see what is filtered out which would have ended up in the carb - on Rotax there is a handy little internal filter where the inlet pipe is on the carb, this contamination could have caused a problem. We use a MR Funnel top quality filter and we always tip way or back into the jerry can the little fuel left in the 'sump' of the filter. So we double filter - once from the jerry can into a second smaller can to premix, we then filter again from the small can into the kart tank. We still get debris in the in line filter. I've taken this philosphy of using an in line filter from my mircolight aircraft engineering days - the CAA wouldn't allow a microlight aircraft to run without a in line filter, hence for flight safety they don't see as an issue with a in line filter but do see it as an issue without. So what is good enough for the CAA and flight safety is good enough for the kart. BUT that said the brass in tank pick up filter is a good idea and I think i'll be looking for one of those in place of the in line filter.