Hate this keyboard; it has one of those iritating 'nipple' mouses in the middle of the keys - you type a few word and find you have 'stroked the nipple' and entered an unwanted command - like post message before you have finished! Due to my very limited IT skills I don't know how to disable it, will route out my fine nose pliers and rip out the nipple. To continue - 9g loading without failure of the fuel system as you may need to fly around again for a second attempt to land after your last very bad 9G attempt. I position the filter behind the main tank above the floor tray and below the steering column support tubes with a semi loose cable tye either side to the support tubes, so no stones, errant karts etc can hit it. Never had a fuel contamination issue with filter - have without, also never had a filter problem, so will continue with, but do like the idea of the brass pick up pipe end in the tank filter - it has the benifits of running with the filter but no the issues listed by itpro. Ian if you are an 'it pro' how do I disable my nipple without ripping it out.