Noted, but my plan was not to run a UK database of tyre use to force 2 meetings or 3 meetings (which the Mojo is capable of) from club to club. The initial plan was to enforce use over 2 or 3 meetings at the SAME club, henec very easy to enforce, encourages new visitors whom might feel they have a chance against the 'one track specialists' if they like the club the stick there and maybe even more so because it is cheaper to race there because they have a tyre re use policy.
As with all changes the ones to introduce more easily are the ones more likely to be adopted. If by single club only basis - would the club have to get MSA approval to run it and more interestingly would the MSA approve it or would they be more likely to back MOJO and ensure people have to buy new tyres to race. Which overall would be short sighted as less people are likely to race due to costs. What is better to sell less tyres more often to less people or sell more tyres to more people less often. What about the spin off off more people racing Rotax with Mojo re use - more sale of Rotax engines and spares.!! The national database would not be difficult to set up and clubs could have access to the info. to enter barcodes and check upon race entry what tyres the entrant should be running - new or the ID of the second use tyres.