Changing the toe in does not require you to have any more complex a bit of kit than a tape measure.
Mark a point on the inside edge of the front tyres, measure the distance between them when the marks point forward, rotate the tyre through 180 degrees and measure the distance betwwen the points.
If the distance is wider at the front than the rear then you have toe out and if narrower, you have toe in.
Adjusting the toe in/ toe out is no more difficult. You undo the lock nut either end of the track rod, and simply turn the rod. The rose ends are differently threaded at each end, one right hand, one left hand, so that turning the rod effectively lengthens or shortens the rod, affecting the toe.
Of course, you need to stop the steering from turning while you do this.methods range from simply getting someone to hold it, putting a wedge in to lock the drag arm,clamping the steering column, having a bolt that goes through the plastic vertex or bungee-ing the steering wheel.
It helpbs to have alignment marks so you line up the steering column in the straight ahead position each time.
The best way to stop bending track rods is to buy several. Once you are prepared, then you probably won't bend one, but beware, as soon as you haven't got one to hand, you are sure to need it.