If you go back 80 ~ 100 years this pernickety style of driving a car or motor bike was bread by lack of building the motor/carb correctly, due to budget and engineering skills and availability. The guy who won the races and set the fastest laps was the guy who learned and was able to remember while under pressure from other competitors to be able to balance the throttle position, introduce it and back it off at the strategical point. It also teaches a driver how critical it is to deliver throttle on a track then multiply it be 5 for driving in the wet. This is why some guys shine through while in the wet, they understand thier beast thoroughly making the rest of the competitors look quite predestrian. So I think these characters of either the engine/carb or chassis are all there by no deliberation and it is up to the driver to hone the best out of the situation they are given. Makes a better driver?? The day will come when all these 'ism's' will be put to the wall and shot then the drivers can point and squirt........... YAWN!