This might have more to do with Ethanol contect that Octane levels. From Feb 2014 up tp 10% ethanol is allowed to be added to standard unleaded pump fual where as super unleaded is limited to 5% max. The European directive states that the % level of Ethanol must be advertised as E10, E5 and E0 however I have not seen this labelling. Ehthanol is just about the worst thing that you could add to fuel- It is corrosive to aluminium, attacks rubber( noticed failing fuel pumps lately?) and hygroscopic( absorbs water) and also reduces fuel economy. So if you run 2 strokes, vintage cars or bikes then you have problems.There are additives which claim to chemically neutralise ethanol ( which I am dubious about) but we are not allowed to use additives in our fual. So I guess this is what is behind Talko's recommendation.