The axle-width effect is part of a 3-part group:
1) Left rear wheel 2) Right rear wheel 3) CENTRE OF GRAVITY
The centre of gravity on many karts is very roughly the same height as your navel (belly button) when you are seated in the kart.
Think of you kart as being looked at from behind and you'll see that vertical/horizontal triangle. Also remember that cornering force (inertia/momentum) can be thought of as being applied ONLY through the CofG. The higher it is, the more the kart will want to lift the inner wheel.
The higher the centre of gravity and the narrower the axle, the more the tendency to lift (hop). Widen the axle and/or lower the centre of gravity (seat height, seat angle, engine mount height, ride height, lead-weight mounting points, fuel height, etc.) and you'll reduce the 'hop'. You may only need to change one of the three!