Just read an old post as i am going to purchase a set of accurately measured jets. I can see the benefit in having one set of jets that increase linearly, so a 152 is leaner than a marked up 155 and a 160 is richer than a marked up 158, so that you know that you are making the correct change..but if most of the jets which are supplied are infact quite a lot richer than what is marked on them (going of the data in this topic), then surely when you look at the software and it says to put a 152 jet in the carb and you change your old 152 to an accurately measured 152 this might be far too lean and end up seizing your engine? Jet Tec and the other software available such as jetting max kart must of used an accurately measured set of jets to design there software, in order to recommend the correct jet.
Also how can anyone get away with selling jets which are completely inaccurate to what they stamp them up as?