Hi i just wanted to say thanks very much for your fantastic help!
We ran into what i thought was problems finishing the kart on sat, i noticed when lining up the sprockets the clutch sprocket drum was floating about buy just under 1mm. I thought this would wear everything so after having the head off and stopping the piston, checking the clutch assembly was correctly in place with the leapord manual, we went to the nearest meeting and asked around and they said this was probably right. The back thrust washer has a few rings but i just wanted to check this was all normal...we got no wear on the sprockets. The manual was a big help and im glad im getting to know my way around the clutch now so thanks!
One stupid thing i forgot to check is what fluid to run, we got told just water so we did and it seemed ok. I taped the top of the rad and took it off about 45'c and that seemed to do the job max was 52'c I span the axle after use and was amazed how quickly it cools. As it was just water and im not 100 percent i drained it after use.
The carb i liked and i started out abit richer than your settings as a careful trial, i couldn't find the jets ha as i had alot going on under my lid so i decided to pit get out and tune it this time!
The gearing suggested was also spot on so saved me changing all day. Which was a big help...we got about 15100rpm.
After 5 or 6 nervous trial laps i was very happy and relieved, so could enjoy driving. We really like this engine and found it quick! We had a brilliant day at the track today with no problems (40mins use). The last job before i get to know it abit more now is have the starter off, oil the bendix and have a nose round the brushes this week.
We really enjoyed putting the effort in with this engine and running it so thanks so much for the help! :)