So what are you saying? That we should do away with chain guards?
I don't think a campaign to let people run without a chain guard is likely to garner much support from quite frankly anyone and I cant think of any other piece of equipment racing related or not that you would get approval to allow a chain and two metal gears to be rotating at 14000 rpm less than 10 inches away from an adult with no guard, let alone a child.
I don't agree with much of the H & S nonsense that's trotted out nowadays by people who have never participated or tried what they are trying to ban but simply saying just because something was ok 30 years ago then it should be ok now is far to simplistic and short of building a time machine those days will never return no matter how long we sit dreaming with our rose tinted specs on about it, so what's the point keep going on about it?
Going on about standing starts being boring for spectators is pretty irrelevant as well as there are bugger all spectators at most kart meetings anyway except family and friends and those that do come almost expect standing starts anyway as that's what they are used to seeing in other car racing on the TV, my Mrs was totally baffled the first time she came to watch and see us do a rolling start and was asking others over why we had not stopped.
Also my mate does Drifting in a big way and after spending a day with him at the track I can assure you it is about as exciting as watching paint dry, ballet for cars.
I would rather watch lick my kart clean than endure another day of that.