We frequently hear from the MSA quarter that the IKR quarter should get their own set of rules and not run to MSA type rules as it's unfair of them to use rules that belong to someone else.
Well, may I suggest that the MSA or more correctly the non IKR quarter, try adopting the IKR type rules and get their own house in order by doing so.
So far, the MSA and all the other nailed on bits of irrelevant flotsam have show a complete lack of any skill in correcting the problems of starts and contact, they've all just banged around in a darkened room with blinkers on, imposing more idiotic and banal ideas on a simple problem.
You don't need all the gizmos, just balls. big balls. HUGE BALLS.
The modern attitude to solving problems is born from the thought that you need to use a gently gently approach to things for fear of upsetting people's feelings.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel used overkill on everything, not CAD design where you have to keep modifying bits because they fall off, and that's what should be used to discipline the drivers, overkill, overkill is cheap, not silly bits of plastic and silly starts for tarts procedures or single file starts. That's NGfK.
Why we have to make running a simple kart race such a bloody complicated affair is completely beyond me, so come on MSA and ABkC and S1 and all the other jetsam that infects our sport, start using some thought or leave it to the IKR.
(I may have missed out an apostrophe but I can't be bothered to proof read the post. Simon Heffer will be livid.)