The engine builder always has the get out of jail clause as he can say....' i was told it was just a fun motor and not for racing your honour, not my job to police where they use it ' The driver has the responsibility and self pride to fall on his own builder is going to build an illegal motor just for the sake of it unless they want to screw over a driver they have fell out with. But whats the point? Name the drivers and the builders and it will nip this in the bud pretty quickly. Give them all a slap , scrap any championship points this year and start over with everyone knowning they WILL get caught and penalised sooner or later to their own detriment. what we havent discussed is what happens to the engines that have been found....publish the serial numbers for a start so nobody buys one unknowingly as the owner tries to divest himself of the problem. The more i think about this the more convinced i am the offenders need to be made public.