For SLK, Just to be really depressing!
The ideal distance between the centres of the front and rear sprocket should be between 30 and 50 links
With a 10 tooth front sprocket (I race Blue) and
a 30 or 31 link centre then the chain should be n links long.
eg: for a 70 tooth rear sprocket and a 30 link centre the chain should be 103 links long
at a 31 link centre the chain should be 105 links long.
Obviously you adjust the chain centres between 30 and 31 (a distance of 7.774 mm) to use 104 links
teeth length of chain at rear 30 link 31 link sprocket centres 70 103.0692053 104.9686491 71 103.6732491 105.5692204 72 104.2790772 106.1715121 73 104.886693 106.7755272 74 105.4961 107.3812688 75 106.1073018 107.9887403 76 106.7203022 108.5979449 77 107.3351049 109.208886 78 107.9517138 109.821567 79 108.5701328 110.4359915 80 109.190366 111.052163 81 109.8124174 111.6700853 82 110.4362912 112.289762 83 111.0619917 112.9111971 84 111.6895234 113.5343944 85 112.3188907 114.1593578 86 112.9500981 114.7860915 87 113.5831503 115.4145996 89 114.8548083 116.676956 91 116.1339039 117.946462 93 117.4204782 119.2231539 95 118.7145739 120.5070696 97 120.0162353 121.7982485 99 121.325509 123.0967315 101 122.6424432 124.4025614
For Matt. This is a simple(?) application of trigonometry, IT (google) and Excel...there's a use for that school work.