I must apologise to you if you erroneously thought that my comments were anyway associated with the Fulbeck organisation. I no longer have, or plan to have, ANY (thanks Itpro) karting association with the club. My comments purely reflected my personal views, and so will the rest of this posting. 1. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the term "whimps". Sorry for that. I can't think of a less derogatory term, so maybe my comment has to stand. 2. I stand by my comment that "kerbs are NOT part of the circuit". Use them at your peril and take the consequences! Basically, respect the circuit. You will become a better driver. 3. Regarding the Start. I agree with other opinions in that it would be much better / safer that the first chicane was not included on the first lap. Meaning that the grid can get itself sorted out by the top hairpin. 2nd, and subsequent laps would have the 1st chicane included. The exception being gearbox who do not use the 1st chicane anyway.
Back to kerbs - if you wish to see them altered, for whatever reason, then I suggest that you help the club by making some form of contribution, be it financial or physical, to get the changes made to your requirements. Just think of the kerbs as being Armco as in F1 street races. If you hit it then it will hurt and upset the bank manager.