Sounds quite interesting. The only thing that has put me off the non-MSA stuff is the stigma it had back when I was racing ICA back in the 90's. Living in Oxford, of engines needed running in prior to a Super 1 round we'd sometimes make the trip to the non-MSA track at Reading. The rules there, especially for a test day seemed nonexistent with kids in hired pro karts out whist Formula A & ICA karts were out. Maybe I'm wrong to tar non-MSA events with this same brush but I'm going by my own, admittedly old, experiences.
By the sounds of it things have changed in this scene and I'm interested to see what's what. I did read something earlier about Forest Edge, a quick look on the map says I'm actually closer to there than my "home" circuits of Rissy & Shenington, so again I may look to take him there.