Sorry D I Y, it's NOT B*LL*CKS!. I know it's shocking and we STILL don't have a good reason for it, but.... appallingly..... it seems to be true!
It's called the Mpemba effect. New Scientist has been exploring this for years and, although there is still no absolute proof of it, it's been observed far too many times by reputable physicists to dismiss out of hand.
My experience is NOT proof but...... I didn't believe it either so, to prove it wrong, I did a crude test....... and found the Mpemba effect DID happen..... Bl**dy H*ll! Try it for yourself. Easy test: 2 plastic throw away cups, same amount of hot and cold water plus your freezer.
This is only Wikipedia but....
....And I hate that result, too, as it flies in the face of common sense and almost everything we thought we knew about heat transfer. How the hell does the water 'know' it started-off boiling hot.......? But it seems to! Assuming the cold water starts at (let's guess) 10 degrees and the boiling starts at 90 by the time you get it into the freezer.... then at some point, the hot water will pass through 10 degrees and SHOULD be identical to the cold water. It's possible that different water flows (currents) occur in hot water than in cold and that the flow continues as it cools. That should be easy to test by placing 'baffles' in the water that slow the circulation..... I just have never seen the results of that experiment, if it's been done.
I still hope it's wrong but......
.... and I am NOT 'back', I just could not let that one pass!