I am not having a 'go', nor am I challenging your answer..... but.....
Can you explain how your physicist and I have both got the 'correct answer' (*as you seem to suggest) unless he and I agree? I am fascinated.
In truth, I'd much prefer I was wrong on this subject as I HATE the result which Mpemba suggests. Until I read up on the subject (because of it being covered in New Scientist), I'd have been arguing on YOUR side! It simply makes no sense!
I fully accept that I am old and have never tried to hide it but..... what has the 4th Century and Aristotle (who was NOT born in the 4th Century [CE]: he was born in the 4th Century BCE, 800 years different!) which would make me about 2,400 years old: impressive, call me Methusela) got to do with this? Yes, Aristotle did mention the effect but..... so what? That's called the Fallacy of Argument from Authority (look it up!) as is your reliance on your professor....
The results have been re-confirmed (and also denied!) repeatedly in the past 2,400 years. Your Physics professor may be good..... but.....
I tell you what..... get the Prof to test the experiment for himself..... it's not too tough. If he's like any of the other professors I know, he will get his students to test it FOR him.... and claim the result for himself! Disprove Mpemba and I'll be the first to cheer the result to the rafters!
At best, after years of experiment, the Mpemba effect remains unproven..... but not proved 'wrong' either..... yet!!
Kind regards
P.S. Please don't take this personally..... it's just FUN and I am N*O*T having a 'go' at you!