HAHAHAHA FAIR PLAY!!!!!....really.....
....I think MR SCOTHERN lost all right to fair play the second he tampered with an engine....
...lets not forget hes the one that did the work....
...question is which came first the chicken or the egg....did he make illegal modifications to make peoples engines quicker first, to get more trade or did people just wander up to him and say oh by the way make me a dodgy engine please....
...which ever way you look at it he took a lot of time and effort to hide the illegal modifications, so I doubt the first customers engine he touched would have been the first attempt
...if the man had a conscience he would have steered well clear of making illegal modifications in the first place....clearly the man is a scumbag and doesn't belong in karting, whether people asked for the modifications or he did them behind their back, simple fact is hes cheated a load of people, not just the ones hes built engines for