Just to clarify a couple of things;
I can't speak for anyone else, but in this matter, I NEVER RECEIVED ANY TYPE OF INVOICE, OR BILL, OR RECEIPTS .......that may seem strange to some and perhaps difficult to believe, but THAT�S THE WAY IT WAS The total costs were indeed in excess of �400, but how that total was achieved was NEVER fully explained .......until now when westside emerges from the deep and comes up with a very meticulous list of costs which rather conveniently leaves �150 figure very prominent; but maybe not that meticulous.....one post says I paid �150.54 for parts and the other �154.54 .....a slip on the keyboard when posting?....an attempt to manipulate the figures for personal gain?....who knows Yes, in hindsight I should have demanded an invoice and questioned the total as being a bit excessive, but there was not only the re-build to consider � it was also the first time he had worked on that engine and it was damaged when it was given to him .... did I know to what extent the damage was or what repairs would be needed?....NO or what costs would have been associated to that damage...NO did I have any reason to consider there was anything �untoward� going on? ....OF COURSE NOT and why would I? ....he had ABSOLUTELY assured me that ALL his work was �100% legal�, his reputation suggested he was a reputable builder and an honest person, others that I trusted had used him and they considered him in the same vein....why wouldn�t I trust him? So; did I know he would do illegal work?...NO did I ask for illegal work to be done?...NO did I agree to illegal work being done?...NO was I told of illegal work having been done? ....NO and when did I discover that I had been involved?? ....not in the numerous occasions when he could have made me aware or discussed it with me and not in the phone call I made to him after TALKO�s initial statement after the Festival
.....not until the second TALKO statement came out when I phoned him again ...THAT�S WHEN As this rumbles on there will be those that will want even more details and will seek to forensically examine every word typed, but I've said my bit so there won�t be any more from me. Frankly there�s more than enough information out there to make an informed decision ....a good starting point would be to read the statement from TALKO on this matter