caustic soda from B&Q. take the shiny end can off. Big spud,,,,,jam the exit end of the exhaust in the spud to seal it. Use sandwich bags over this taped tight as extra seal. Stand upright in a bucket, use bricks/sand in bucket to keep upright. Fill with the caustic mix - read instructions carefully and take appropriate safety measures obviously. Leave to stand for 2-3 days in a safe place away from kids pets missus or any chance of knocking it over. empty out. rinse with water, plenty. spray copious ammounts of wd40 inside, flush with a rich shell m pertol mix , air it out, refit to kart. refit end can. race. or, stick it on a bbq, get it red red hot, tap gently with a hammer and let it cool, tip the crap out. dont get burned. We do the caustic method, im serious about the spud as it makes a nice seal and the caustic shouldnt affect the spud. when mixing the caustic it does generate some heat and fumes so do it outside, read the packet instructons carefully. Sounds a lot crisper afterwards, does it go faster......??? test and tell :)