In answer to Max-Racewear, at the OEKC we all just race at the same time with the same weight and tyres (possibly different for prokarts). Within the overall result, separate trophies are awarded for Rotax (now including X30) and Open class.
There is some sort of handicap system in place within the overall results - a prokart is credited with an extra 20 something laps in the final results.
This works brilliantly, but I'm not sure how relevant it is to sprint karting because endurance racing is about so much more than outright speed. Saying that, Bilands, Rotaxes and X30s appear to be very closely matched out on track, but it's difficult to beat a Rotax on sheer reliability.
I should point out though, that whilst pretty much anything is welcome, most of the grid use Rotax engines.
For sprint racing, Open TaG doesn't have a hope of working in my opinion. It's been tried in the US and failed as far as I'm concerned. It's very difficult to level the playing field with weight, everyone moans that the weights aren't right when they don't win and as ever some engines will be more equal than others.
I think in the US it basically became a Leopard only class.