This column won't actually increase front grip, but it will help turn in by quicker steering response to snap the wheel to get the front to bite / respond and then grip. Try 6 to 8 degree toe out in extreme wet. Add full caster and maybe even less negative camber i.e. more positive but not more than upright. loosen torsion bar or run flat bar vertical. long front hubs with wheels full out works best of all for front grip. Raise front ride height to give rear grip (this can cause the front to understeer if you have this type of problem and have done all of the above take grip off the rear and / or don't add any rear grip), long rear hubs (not long OTK ones these are too long) for rear grip, 1040 axle for rear grip, wheel in at rear for rear grip. We used to do all of the above in the wet to give max rear and front grip, with my lad being fast / snappy on the steering to get the front to bite / react, he used to love he wet and was very fast in it. We used to do a rain dance!!