Sorry, I forgot to mention power valve! Bit new to us coming from Junior / mini. Took PV apart, set up length (74.5mm from bottom of dish on blade to other end), set up spring length, set clicks to 10 - at first then 8, either didn't produce more revs. Put new o ring in and new gasket and new springs - large and small to seal bellows. Did have the blade the wrong way round - should be with the taper facing down parallel with the port rather than the cylinder, thought hey presto that's it - but no real change on track! There is a fair bit of oil around the PV area, which doesn't seem to be coming from the exhaust ball or the exhaust header gasket to cylinder, it seems to be coming through the PV? The new PV shaft o ring seem to seal a little tighter than the old one but it still didn't tightly seal - are they supposed to? Can't see any obvious holes in the bellows? Think I might make a vacuum testing rig to test bellows are not leaking. I suppose if the PV doesn't open or does open fully the engine won't pull the revs because the port height / size is not right for top end?? Is there a way of testing this on track?? There doesn't seem to be any significant punch when the PV comes in on track? But I'm not sure how it should feel as I have no comaparison - it comes back to testing against other kit I suppose and / or get a driver to try whom knows how it should feel??