My experience with this type of setup, clutched piston port with walbro was that it was very difficult to get a carb adjustment which allowed the engine to tickover for more than a few seconds without having an enormous flat spot when driving off. ie the engine will tickover reasonably on a weakened mixture but is then undriveable. Tal- ko recommend 2 turns on the L screw for DD with a reduction of 0.3 -0.5 for the clutched version (clutch type unspecified) which brings you down to 1.5 .Probably need choking to start in the cold weather. 'Liam' who posts from time to time has said that the V clutch is fully engaged at 6000 rpm which sounds pretty low for a racing 2 stroke. A small 2mm.?hole drilled in the butterfly would have some effect but undoubtedly a 'hanging offence' in msa circles , nearly as bad as shortening the spring. As others have said the engine will never tickover indefinitely and will soon foul up without blipping the throttle.