Back in the late 80's when I raced 250cc classic 2 stroke bikes at national level the fuel was 'free' so we used 'av gas' as it was commercially available, ok at an airfield but it was legal. The Castrol R30 oil wouldto drop out of suspension with the fuel, especially in the cold, so we were advised to add I think 2% acetone to cure the issue by the Castrol guy. Never made any difference to performance but that's massively dependant on compression ratios & flame fronts, not too much of an issue in an IAME cadet but it all helps I guess. So the smell could be the acetone which helps keep the 'cool power' or whatever in suspension rather than being used as a performance enhancer. No such thing as a 'new' cheat it seems. Certainly some kids in Comer always threw out more 'oil spots' than others at club level all through the day which my lad picked up on but as they weren't winning/up the front, as we weren't at the time, it never bothered us to find out why. The top Comer club lads I knew won on ability & equipment I'd say, not cheating, but later I did hear 'cool power' was being used by some off the front bunch. Obviously not enough judging by their results ! My lad didn't ever complain of melting drops on the visor or any eye problems but i was really fed up with the spots on the kart & his gear from the same kids !! As said above, when they go to S1 & go backwards that maybe an indicator. Love the alka seltzer idea, is that for real ?