They usually get damaged by using a screwdriver that is tapered and the wider part damages the thread as the jet is screwed in.
Is your jet still in there or is it removed?
The thread is a 5mm 0.8 pitch.
If the jet is still in the carb you will need a tap that is 'stubbed off' so that you can cut right up to the top of the jet(I've got one)as a plug tap still has a small taper on the end.
Even so, there will still be a thread that doesn't get recut and you may still not be able to back the jet out, especially if the slot in the jet is damaged.
With a damaged thread you can fall foul of the regs because you can't get the jet down far enough as there is a measurement to the top of the jet to the body.
A really damaged jet needs to be drilled out to try and save the carb and it's a delicate job if you want to do it properly.
It's worth making a screwdriver that is the right size and thickness to save future grief.
Drop me an email if you're stuck.
[email protected]