Argh help, I have a comer c50 bambino, while I except setting the carbs up can be a problem I am struggling to find a solution to mine even after countless efforts. So here's the problem, it used to be really quick of the line I mean overtaking 4 or 5 positions from the start, them it seemed to get slower and slower to the point now where we are often last into the first corner. Once up and running it seems fine just off the start. So I have tried different air filters, different jets, sealing up the top cap, sealing up the cable into the carb so it's air tight, I've tried the spare carb I got with the kart 16mm I've bought a brand new carb, I've changed the plug i've put new rings in, I've tilted the carb slightly. So what's left? Someone suggested cleaning out the exhaust out but it feels air flow fuel mixture, incidentally when I apply a small amount of choke as in restrict the carb appature by a third on the stand it picks up really quickly. The bog standard answer I get from everyone is the carb but I've been through 3 different carbs and it's still the same problem, any ideas, what am I doing wrong, what's caused it to go from hero to zero......thanks in advance