No rotax classes in S1, thats a result, it might stop S1 introducing more stupid rules to Rotax such as standing starts because they cant control their competitors into the 1st corner.
Updating the Rotax with the EVO kit is always going to be controversial but at least they are trying to soften the blow by an introductory discount and not making it compulsory like other classes have done in the past. Remember the uproar with F/Bue when they introduced the new electrical box before the national final and made it compulsory.
My experience with a new engine direct from JAG was that it had massive bottom end and lap times were similar to those I was doing previously during the season, so there was no massive gain.
Where there was a difference is how the carb responds to throttle inputs. There is no appreciable waiting on the engine picking up, it just seems to be much more responsive with no lag. I think this is where the newcomers who havn't learnt to feed the throttle in slowly will find it much easier.
The powervalve has been faultless and the rest of the electronics have been no problem what so ever.
The one time it wouldn't start was because I was pressing the old starter button on the nassau panel, duh!!!!!!
My only concern is that its very easy to knock the starter switch to the On position and engage the starter.