The running costs of the x30 are higher than rotax, you will re-build the x30 at least twice in a year through time on the motor, also you are looking at replacing looms if the weather is bad at least once on a wet weekend. (no problems with the rotax looms due to weather) Other than that tyres are the same use wise and regardless of what is said some drivers have far better engines than other drivers but thats just racing in any class. I really think that the x30 dream has been heavily sold and quite rightly by Mill's as a supplier and rotax just dont market themselves well. Cadet was the same saying power was all equal and a level playing field and that changed quickley. Racing is a business and i would imagine as an engine builder there is more money to be made in x30 than rotax due to number of re-builds required in a season, there is also more money to be made in carbs and servicing them in x30 so another reason for the class to be promoted. At the end of the day there were 60ish junior x30's on the grid at pfi, each driver will have minimum 2 engines which will be rebuilt twice a year which is 4 rebuilds x 60 = 240. Then you have 2 carbs which need servicing at least twice a month 24 x 60 = 1440. Not sure what carb service and engine rebuilds cost? Just makes good business sense for all engine builders and teams and of course Mills to promote the classes and see them succeed. Maybe Rotax will be another TKM story, who knows