I find a lot of the moans about X30 'monster' engines emanates from the omissions of talent, BIST, set up, mantenance and driver ability being missed out of the equation.
The same was a big factor in Rotax Max too. Hence the 'need' to introduce the minimax carb slide restrictor and the Evo.
Honda Cadet is the one engine that does have a huge variation in performance but then it is a cement mixer engine that has no need to produce 1/4 mile drag race stats to sell itself.
Look at how regulated that has ended up because of it being 'nursed' for massive cost.
The same old chestnut of 'their in front of us so they must be cheating or spending a fortune' is still the basis of karting whingers.
Add in the factor of the tyre being ruined with the change in profile to favour a certain chassis type, no guessing who, has taken the shine off the X30.
The X30 could be bolted on to any chassis originally but the change in the tyre has put paid to that.
Yet another faux pas by the suits.
X30 electrics problems show no sign whatsoever of being remedied so in short, I'd recommend giving it all a miss until the climate changes.
IKR is the growing market with some series actually putting an emphasis on FUN and NO Floppo Droppo bumpers.
I predict one certain IKR series to treble its entry numbers this year from a lowly 30 odd MSA entries at the back end of 2016 to 90+ IKR entries for the April meeting and set to grow even more during the year.
Proving that drivers just want to have an enjoyable day without the hassle of unecessary regulation.