(Also applies to Rotax)
The breather is open to the atmosphere and when the engine cools it will draw in air.
If this air is cold and damp it can contaminate the relatively small amount of oil that is in the gear case.
A power washer if used to clean the kart with the engine on, can also force water into the oil via the breather.
If the oil has not been changed for a long time its lubriacting ability when mixed with the water from the damp air will be very low as you end up with a watery emulsion.
(A failed waterpump seal can cause this on a Rotax Max too)
People sometimes link the oil and radiator overflow breathers into the same overflow bottle and this can allow the gear case to suck up any discharged water as it cools.
You should check the oil and its level after every outing. Check the level with the engine in a level plane.
The manual recommends quite a thick oil but you can use automatic transmission fluid (ATF) to reduce drag.