Budgets for kart and engine with some spare maybe as a retirement package is best.
�1000 min. probable with a pre 2009 engine which has older sytle clutch (unless converted), also barrel performance less consistant)
�1500 for some a little better maybe with a 2009 onwards non EVO (prevo) engine.
�2000 is a sensible budget for something half decent worth having, but talke care you are not buying a min. budget outfit.
�2500 - �3000 should be the max. you should be paying for a relatively new chassis and engine maybe still no EVO but very good late engine, with a load of spares - wheels, trolley, rotax tools etc etc.
If you find something that takes you interest post the details on here and the price - without too much detail i.e. seller ID etc which wouldn't be fair to the seller - you might get some advice if the deal is fair or not.
PS OTK chassis or most other chassis, can crack beneath the front yokes where the U shaped bracket which houses the stub axle kingpin. This comes from a lot of kerb bashing. If not cracked it might still have been rewelded, but the geometry might be out if not properly jigged when welded - before and after welding. Check to see if the weld doesn't look original - a weld on a weld.
They also crack in front of the rear bearing carrier where it meets the chassis, usually more so on the engine side. Some people apply a precautionary weld here before it cracks and this makes it last much longer. No problem with this additional weld so long as it is done properly and checked / straightened after welding as the heat produced and the cooling affect can slightly bend the chassis at that point - probably why they don't weld there in the factory!