'You were (in my book) one of the leading advisers on the forum when it came to Rotax carbs'.
Damn, been demoted, still I'm past me sell by date anyway.
Sorry PoppaAl, the post is a sprat to catch a mackerel.
So no valid reason for its intrduction then?
The float arm height was used by many like yourself as a tuning aid and as you say, it worked.
It's not an MSA thing as far as I can tell, it would be a Rotax/Jag ballsup as usual.
The setting of the float arm height cannot come under the 'no machining' banner as you have to bend it to set it to what is now their stupid specification.
Newe carbs are NOT passing this test out of the box.
Anyway, the needle can wear and cause a carb to be out of spec.
Just like the minimax carb slide restrictor, it's been introduced to help doughnuts but will ultimately catch more doughnuts than its 'intended' aim of catching what they now deem to be cheats.
When it gets to the stage where a suspect carb is sitting in a technical dept with a spirit level and a carb and gauge at 'ambient' temperature and finding one arm passes and the other just touches the gauge, then at that point you just know that they've ****ed up karting.
It's a waste of time, they're a waste of time, we're wasting our time entertaining regs like this.
They really need to address the biggest problem in karting at the present time but they won't because they don't know about it. Apparently.