Kyle, it sounds harsh I know, but you have to look at it from two points: 1 - Racing is very high intensity, pretty sure that no studies have been done if (your kind of) epilepsy can be induced by such intense situations; 2 - MSA are goverened by the insurance cover that it has in place. All MSA sanctioned events are covered by an Insurance policy and that insurance policy dictates the terms the MSA have to abide by!
I don't want to run a fellow racer down, but unfortunately I don't think you'll be able to overturn this one. Unless you get a clear from your doctor you're not going to get a license. Unfortunately you'll have to run WITH the system rather than AGAINST it!
Think of it this way as well: it isn't only the MSA's skin, nor ours (the other ones on the track with you at the same time) but your own skin that the MSA are trying to protect! "Motorsport can be dangerous!" is the logo and once you get in (hopefully) you'll see that everything around a race event is ultimately about drivers/officials/spectators' safety.
Just have a bit a patience, it sounds like you're only months away from a potential license! Meanwhile you can attempt non-MSA events just to hone those racing skills. But only if you think your health can handle it. And don't over-rule the doctors, whatever you decide!