Hi All, Using Jet tech pro I have a problem with the needle clip setting requiring a clip postion weaker than the design limit that needle will allow. Now to over come this I have dropped the float level to 8mm from 6mm which weakens the mixture over the whole rev band which worked just fine for a while. Playing with the softwares float level, for me to maintian optimum jetting for a wider band of weather situations, it should be set to 14mm. Now the best I could get was 9.5mm anything greater than this the float arm or the floats jam open or closed. An ideas? what have I missied?
Carb data and weather.
Rotax max 177 8.5 carb
K98 Needle clip 1 set on jet tech 416
main jet 148 Set on jet tech 367
3.6g floats
Needle jet 266 idle 60
9.1 degrees
75% Hum
1001.6 mb
Thanks for your help.